Sunday 8th Sep 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Ali Waheedh

Ali Waheed Criticizes PG Shameem at Court Hearing

Former Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed, being tried for several instances of sexual misconduct, criticized Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem.
Ali Waheed is currently attending his trial virtually, from the High Commission of the Maldives in London, UK. It is worth noting that this is the first time a felon is being tried in court while out of the country. PG Shameem attended the hearing on behalf of the state. This is the first time the PG was present for a case at the Criminal Court.
The Prosecutor General shared his concerns regarding the online trial with the court. He refused to believe the hearing was valid and objected to the virtual proceedings. Judge Hassan Saeed considered the issue and stated that it was already decided and that the decision to proceed was made after consulting the Chief Judge of Criminal Court.
As PG Shameem challenged the validity of the hearing, Ali Waheed retaliated by pointing out that Shameem was the lawyer for former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb during the MMPRC scandal. The former minister declared he was attempting to intimidate the judge, which angered the PG. Waheed also accused him of paying selective attention in certain cases. He provided no further details, but it is assumed it was a reference to the ventilator case, where PG Shameem decided not to prosecute due to inconclusive evidence.
The prosecutor verbalized his intention to dispute the court’s decision to carry out a virtual hearing and requested the ruling in writing.
The next hearing is to be held on July 11.
Ali Waheed flew to the UK citing medical treatment. He failed to return to the Maldives once the allotted period expired. He then sent documents to the court, proving his treatment was incomplete.
It is speculated that the government had a hand in the former minister’s flight to the UK.