Tuesday 22nd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Madam Fazna

First Lady Praises Flat Committee for their Work

First Lady Fazna Ahmed has praised the Flat Committee on their work. This comes within a week of the publication of the final lists for the Hiyaa housing unit allocations by the Flat Committee.
In a comment on a Facebook post written by President Solih's sister, Aishath Mohamed Solih, First Lady Fazna Ahmed wrote that she knew the integrity of the person in charge of the Flat Committee and said that they would not compromise on that integrity. She had also reportedly said that she agreed with what had been said about how the Committee's work had been difficult, and how the Committee had executed their task well.
The First Lady wrote that there was "no problem" if the President's sister had been assigned a flat and that the simple fact of being someone's sister should not disqualify one from a housing unit.
The Hiyaa housing project was a program initiated by President Yameen Abdul Gayyoom which oversaw the construction of 7,000 housing units. The units had been allocated to their rightful tenants by the end of his term. However, President Solih had claimed that there had been "corruption" in the allocation process and established a Flat Committee to revise the previous administration's allocations.
The revised lists have come under heavy criticism from the public and the opposition; several have said that the revisions were unfair. 3,794 people who had received housing units under the previous administration have had their names removed in the revised lists.