Saturday 15th Mar 2025
Dhivehi Edition
Income support allowance

MVR 2.64 Million Paid as Income Support: Finance

Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer. Photo: President's Office
As of the end of January 28, 17,710 people had received a total sum of MVR 264 million as income support, according to the weekly statistics published by the Ministry of Finance.
Income support is paid out to people who, as a result of COVID-19, have been forced to live on a monthly income of less than MVR 5,000. People who have lost the entirety of their income are paid MVR 5,000, and people whose income had been reduced to below MVR 5,000 are paid the difference.
Allowances have been paid out three times so far. Twice earlier in 2020, and the third time being from October to December.

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