Friday 18th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
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Maldives Police Service

City-Wide Campaign Launched to Remove Inappropriate Graffiti

A city-wide campaign has been launched to remove graffiti from various parts of the city, aiming to uphold common social standards and ensure public spaces are appropriate for all citizens. This initiative is part of the police's broader efforts to establish a safe and crime-free society.
The operation, conducted in collaboration with the Gang Crime Enforcement Department, focuses on removing graffiti and paintings from walls in public areas that are frequented by the general public, including children. The graffiti targeted for removal contains scenes and messages deemed inappropriate for young viewers and in violation of social norms.
Police officials have emphasized that this effort is crucial for maintaining the aesthetic and moral standards of the city. "The presence of such graffiti in public spaces sends the wrong message, especially to our children," a police spokesperson said. "By removing these images, we are working towards creating a safer and more respectful environment for everyone."
In addition to the current campaign, the police have announced plans to conduct a series of graffiti removal operations across the city in the coming weeks. These efforts are part of a sustained strategy to deter vandalism and promote a sense of community pride.
The initiative has garnered support from various community groups and residents who appreciate the move towards cleaner and more family-friendly public spaces. The campaign also aligns with broader urban beautification and public safety goals, contributing to the overall well-being of the city.
As the operations continue, authorities are calling on residents to report any instances of inappropriate graffiti and cooperate with law enforcement to maintain the integrity of public spaces. The police have assured the public that they will remain vigilant in their efforts to prevent and address vandalism, ensuring that the city remains a welcoming and safe environment for all.