Saturday 27th Jul 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Elections Commission

Election Commission President States Low Voter Turnout Indicates Disinterest

Speaking on PSM News’ ‘Raajje Miadhu’ program, President of the Elections Commission, Fuwad Thowfeek has said the number of voters is decreasing in election after election, showcasing public disinterest in the Democratic process.
Expressing concern, Fuwad said the issue should be resolved.
The EC is making arrangements for the convenience of the people to increase voter turnout. The National Advisory Committee will be consulted next week on the timing of the March parliamentary elections.
Fuwad noted the low turnout of voters in the recent Malé City Council by-election.
Out of a total eligible population of 54,680 voters, only 17,410 exercised their constitutional right. This is a voter turnout of 31.84%. It is clear from the number of voters in this election that the candidates who have contested did not resonate with their constituents, and ultimately could not encourage a majority of the population to vote in any particular direction. This follows a downward trend in turnout for Male’ city mayoral elections, as in the previous election Dr. Muizzu won the election with a total of 12,470 votes, and a total voter turnout of 41.66% of the total eligible voters.
This shows a general disinterest in the local council elections from the citizens of Male’. The candidates from all parties were unable to convince undecided voters of their cause.
There are concerns about the parliamentary elections being held during Ramadan. The Election Commission said there were major administrative obstacles to holding the election on a date after the month of Ramadan.