Saturday 27th Jul 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Minister Ameen

All Ministry of Transport Services Will Be Available from One Online Portal

For the convenience of users of Transport Ministry services, access has been made available through a singular online portal.
Transport Minister Mohamed Amin held a press conference where he stated that all ministry services are available online, however customers were facing difficulty accessing them due to those services being scattered across multiple online portals.
Therefore, the ministry has begun work on arranging all the services they offer through a single online portal, according to the minister. He has stated that the work may be completed within the next three to four months.
“We have now started to arrange for all the services of the ministry to be arranged a single portal,” he said.
“It will take some time. Our current estimate is that the public will have a single portal within the next three to four months.”
The Minister concluded that there is still much to be done to improve the image of the Ministry of Transport, which can be done by strengthening the internal management of the ministry.