Saturday 26th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Political appointees

Political position to Sheikh Ilyas’son, salaried MVR 35,000

Renowned islamic scholar of Adhaalath Party, Sheikh Ilyas Hussain’s son has been appointed as the Imam at Salman mosque.
TMJ has learned that Ammat Ilyas was appointed for the political position last week. Despite his posting, his appointment falls within the level of deputy ministers.
Sheikh Ilyas was an active member of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s campaign for the 2018 presidential election.
While speaking at an MDP campaign event in Addu, the scholar stated that many had been murdered following Dr. Afrashim Ali’s murder in 2012. He also likened President Solih to someone “even the Prophet MUhammad (pbuh) would have favored”.
Upon election, the current administration had issued him a diplomatic passport and drafted him at a position in the Embassy of Maldives in Malaysia. The non-salaried post gives Sheikh Ilyas the opportunity to remain in Malaysia on a diplomatic visa, best described as a ploy.
Despite the surge in agnosticism and anti-islamic decorum within the Maldivian society, the scholar has conveniently remained tight-lipped.