Sunday 16th Mar 2025
Dhivehi Edition
India Out

High Court accepts case filed to nullify the decree banning India Out

Protest held against Indian military presence. Photo: TMJ.
The High Court of the Maldives has accepted the case filed to nullify the presidential decree banning the India Out movement.
India Out movement is a movement that calls for the removal of Indian military from the Maldives. The movement also calls on India to stop interfering in the domestic affairs of the Maldives. The case was filed at the High Court by founders of TMJ, Ahmed Azaan Marzooq, Ahmed Ibrahim and Shifzan Ahmed.
The case was intitially submitted at the Supreme Court. However the Supreme Court decided that the case must be filed at the High Court.
Opposition party, PPM, had also appealed at the civil court to invalidate the presidential decree. However, PPM’s lawyers’ absence from the court hearing caused the appeal to be rejected without further hearings.
The presidential decree issued on April 21 stated that The National Security Council concedes that the India Out movement posed a threat to national security and may directly inflict harm on foreigners living in the Maldives as well as locals going abroad.
Although the India Out movement has abated due to the decree, depending on the High Court's ruling it is expected to restart.

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