Saturday 26th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
India Out movement

Civil Court kicks out opposition’s case on India Out

Civil Court has kicked out the case filed by the opposition Progressive Congress Coalition, challenging the Presidential decree criminalizing the India Out movement.
The coalition had decried the Presidential decree for severely restricting freedom of expression for the Maldivians.
The lawyers for the opposition had failed to show up in Court, which resulted in the Court kicking out the case. Civil Court also said that the lawyers had failed to give a justifiable reason for their absence.
The administration is resorting to legal moves to silence the calls for the removal of Indian troops stationed in the country. As such, the Presidential decree, issued on April 21st, was used to remove “India Out” banners and crush protests.
The opposition had successfully challenged the removal of India Out banner on opposition leader President Abdullah Yameen’s residence. High Court had decreed that the court warrant sought by Police from Criminal Court was on baseless grounds, and therefore, the removal was illegal.