Tuesday 23rd Apr 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
India Out

Counter campaign to IndiaOut has dingoed out: Pres Yameen

The government led counter campaign to “India Out” has ‘dingoed out’ before it gained much traction, says opposition leader President Abdullah Yameen.
The former President made this statement in reference to the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) led “Baakeenuvey” campaign. “Baakeenuvey” translates to “do not be left behind”.
The campaign, in spite of Government backing, is slow to gain traction. Several high-ranking government officials and members of MDP have already started tweeting support for the new movement. The gist of their argument is that the “India Out” campaign would alienate Maldivians from the international sphere.
The “India Out” hashtag and tweets are still the number one trending topic on twitter for the region. Members of opposition have started to use “Dhashunuvey”, translated to as “stop being subservient”, as a direct challenge to “Baakeenuvey”.
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had also backed the campaign. Sources have reported that President Solih had asked senior government officials to step up their twitter game.

President Yameen said that the country’s focus ‘is singular in its commitment to India Out’. He added that the counter-campaign had ‘dingoed out’ prematurely.
This, he said, was further evidence that India was losing in the court of public opinion.