Saturday 26th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
India Out

India Out sprayed on Indian High Commission wall

“India Out” has been sprayed on the walls of Indian High Commission and the residence of ruling coalition partner Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim.
The message was spray painted Tuesday evening.
Messaging calling for the ouster of Indian military officials in the country has been spray painted on various locations in the capital. Maldives Police Service (MPS) this week arrested several individuals on suspicion of having displayed the message.
JP leader Qasim Ibrahim had previously expressed sentiments that he had no objections to having Indian boots on the ground. Individuals associated with the current administration had also expressed similar sentiments.

The movement was criminalized in a Presidential decree in April. The decree stated that the movement was a threat to national security and was determined as such by the National Security Council. After the decree was issued, MPS has begun removing banners and other materials supporting the movement.