Saturday 26th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Ghassan Maumoon

MP Ghassan Expresses Views about Harms of Indian Military Presence

MP Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon (PPM-Guraidhoo) has mentioned the harms; that may be caused to the Maldives as a result of the presence of the Indian military in the country; to the Parliament Committee on National Security Services (also known as the 241 Committee).
The 241 Committee convened today following a motion submitted by Majlis Speaker Mohamed Nasheed to inquire into the nature of the India Out campaign. MP Ghassan provided his views during a discussion between the members of the committee regarding how to proceed with the inquiry.
Speaker Nasheed said that it was important to review the ill effects of acting against countries with which the Maldives had established diplomatic relations. He said that it was his view that the India Out campaign could harm the Maldives.
The 241 Committee's MDP-majority spoke against the India Out campaign and said that all that could be done to stop the campaign must be done.
During MP Ghassan's allotted time, he said that it was mandatory for the 241 Committee to understand the effects of the Indian military's presence in the Maldives on its independence and sovereignty.
"The inquiry must include what the effects of the presence of foreign or Indian troops in the Maldives on the country's sovereignty and independence would be", said MP Ghassan.
Elaborating on his statement, MP Ghassan has said that the presence of foreign troops has led to strife and wars in other countries.