Saturday 27th Jul 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business

NordWind Starts Chartered Flights To Maldives

Russia’s NordWind have begun charter flights to the Maldives.
The airline began flights to the Maldives in partnership with Resort Life, a Maldivian tour operator. The first flight landed yesterday.
Russia’s AeroFlot currently runs scheduled flights in and out of Velana International Airport.
Russia is the second biggest source of tourists to the Maldives. 214,232 tourists had traveled from Russia in 2021.
The number of chartered flights to the Maldives has increased to cater to the high-season, and Tourism Minister Dr Abdullah Mausoom has said that the 1.3 millionth tourist to travel to the Maldives would arrive tomorrow.
The number of tourist bed-nights has exceeded the expected 10.7 million in the middle of the month.