Thursday 24th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Indian military

Defend Maldives Petition Drive in Himmafushi

A signing drive of the Defend Maldives petition took place today in Himmafushi (Kaafu Atoll).
The Defend Maldives petition, organized by the opposition, calls for the removal of Indian military personnel currently stationed in the Maldives, as well as the nullification of the classified military agreements signed between India and the Solih administration. Senior officials of the opposition coalition traveled to Himmafushi today to be part of the drive, and to speak to the residents of Himmafushi about India's ongoing plans to dominate the Maldives.
The petition won many signatures from Himmafushi today, according to the opposition coalition. The petition drive last week in Male' was accompanied by the largest street demonstration seen in recent history.
The Indian military has been increasing its presence in the Maldives under various pretexts since the inauguration of the Solih administration. The opposition coalition has vowed to nullify the military agreements signed between India and the Solih administration.