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Former VP Adheeb

Adeebs Power over Muaviz apparent with leaked messages

"The Maldives Journal" has come into the possession of messages that were sent between the former president and vice president of Anti-Corruption Mauviz Rasheed and former Vice president Ahmed Adeeb.
Apart from messages between Adeeb and Mauviz, messages to G.Oivaali Mohamed Hussain (Oitey) to disburse cash to Muaviz, as well as messages which were sent to former prosecutor-general Muhthaaz Muhusin to pass Muaviz name for the second time to become the vice president of ACC, was also present.
On 7th July 2014, a message was sent by former prosecutor general Muhuthaaz informing Adeeb that he had chosen Muaviz and Sofwath. However, Adeeb replied with “Muaviz?” at that time both Muaviz and sofwath were in ACC. Muhuthaaz messaged Adeeb that it was his choice and if Adeeb was “ok” with the choice. However, on 9th September 2014, there was going to be an election to choose new members due to the contract of the former members were reaching an end.
On August 23 independent institution committees of the Parliament approved the new members. At the time Muaviz was the vice president of ACC. Adeeb had sent a message to Muaviz informing him that his post was finalized and not to worry. In return, Muaviz sends a message expressing his gratitude.
Muavviz is now working at a law firm owned by Muhuthaz.
Plenty of messages passed between Adeeb and Muaviz before and after being elected. among the messages, Muaviz informed Adeeb about the case of former President Office Minister Abdullah Ameen who was at the time being investigate on a corruption case. The corruption case against Ameen was regarding the Thimarafushi Airport not completing the airport to the given date. The company was being recompensed by the government and due to the word of former President Abdullah Yameen, the company was disregarded.
Regarding the case of Ameen, Muaviz informed Adeeb that Ameen was being summoned to ACC. Muaviz had provided Adeeb with detail of the event Adeeb after being asked how the meeting had gone. He also told Adeeb that Ameen had told him he did what President Yameen had told him to do although Ameen did not have any proof to show them.
It is known that ACC is an independent institute and the cases that are being investigated should not be spoken of to those who are not involved as it is against the law of the ACC.
Muaviz had contacted Adeeb on other occasions one such incident was Muaviz had asked Adeeb to provide a government job to Mohamed Shafiu who did not get elected to the commission for the second time.
The messages show that Muaviz had taken MVR 4 lakhs from Adeeb. On the 9th of September 2014, Muaviz had messaged Adeeb that he was waiting for his call. The next day morning 9:11 Adeeb had messaged Oitey to disburse MVR 4 lakhs cash to Muaviz. Adeeb received a message from Muaviz thanking him and informing him that he got the money.
The case is being investigated by Asset Recovery Commission although Muaviz has not been held accountable as of yet. Muaviz had testified against former President Abdullah Yameen on the money laundering case. Muaviz had lied during his testimony saying that the Yameen has told him that the money was MMPRC money and that it was done at the President's office.
Muaviz had given a false testament during the trial due to being threatened by the government. The leaked video also has stated that he had stated out of fear. During the trial, Muaviz had not been able to answer questions asked by Yameen and he was noticeably nervous.