Wednesday 12th Feb 2025
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Thila-Male' bridge

Assigning Bridge Project to Indian Company will Halt Maldivian Development: Shiyam

Vice President of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and parliament representative for Naifaru constituency Ahmed Shiyam has stated that assigning an Indian company to construct the Thilamale' Bridge connecting Male', Villimale', Gulhifalhu and Thilafushi will bring development in Maldives to a halt.
Shiyam shared a previous article published by Dhiyares regarding Afcons Infrastructure constructing a bridge in India for 17 years. He tweeted that this is what he has been saying and that assigning the bridge project to an Indian company will bring an end to development in the Maldives. Additionally, many have criticized how the agreement was signed.
The President not being in attendance and the agreement not being signed by a minister has sparked an outcry on social media. Some claim they do not believe the project will happen. According to Abdul Raheem Abdulla (Adhurey) of the People's National Congress (PNC), Vice President Faisal Naseem did not attend the signing as he has no faith in the project.
The contract for the Greater Male' Connectivity Bridge was signed by the Permanent Secretary of the Planning Ministry Zeeniya Hameed on behalf of the Maldivian government. R. Andar Kumar, Director of Afcons Infrastructure, signed the agreement on the company's behalf.