Saturday 8th Mar 2025
Dhivehi Edition
Prosecutor General's Office

Attack on Pres. Nasheed: 4 Suspects' Prosecution Details Revealed

PG Hussein Shameem. Photo: TMJ
Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem has revealed prosecution details of four suspects involved in the May 6 attack on former President and incumbent Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed.
Adhuham Ahmed Rasheed, detonator of the IED, is facing three charges according to his plea agreement.

Adhuham Ahmed Rasheed

Out of his four initial charges, the PG has withdrawn the charge of planning an act of terrorism as part of his plea agreement. Adhuham is currently facing three other charges.
He is being charged with conducting an act of terrorism for exploding the motorcycle used in the attack on President Nasheed. He is also being charged with supporting a terrorist organization for admitting to being in support of the Islamic State (IS).
Adhuham is also being charged with attempted murder using a sharp or otherwise dangerous device, for detonating the bomb. The charge carries a prison sentence of 20 years.

Mujaz Ahmed

Mujaz is being charged with planning an act of terrorism as he helped Adhuham to flee, change his clothes, find a taxi to go to a guesthouse, change his appearance, and escorted Adhuham to a person who transported him from Male’ to Hulhumale’ after triggering the explosion.
Mujaz is also being charged with aiding a criminal to flee. The PG claimed that if he is proven guilty of all charges, Mujaz will face a prison sentence between 17 to 20 years.

Thahumeen Ahmed

Thahumeen is being charged for his involvement in an act of terrorism as the IED used in the attack on President Nasheed was attached to a motorcycle registered under his name.
He is also being charged with planning an act of terrorism and helping transport an explosive device from one location to another.
He is facing the two charges as he and his peers declared Nasheed’s blood as halal, legitimizing his murder. He is facing the second charge for conducting the attack by detonating the IED attached to a motorcycle registered under his name.
Additionally, he is being charged with supporting a terrorist organization, as he has been speaking in support of IS ideologies since 2019.

Ali Haisham

Haisham is being charged with planning an act of terrorism. He was present at meetings to plan the attack at KIOSK coffee shop in Hulhumale’, declared Nasheed’s blood as halal, and planned to attack the former president with an explosive device.
He is also being charged with transporting an explosive and being involved in conducting an act of terrorism.
As per PG Shameem, Thahumeen’s and Haisham’s DNA was found on the IED. He stated that there is no reason for the device to have their DNA if they were not involved in constructing the device.

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