Sunday 28th Apr 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Jeehaan

President Uninfluenced by Coalition: Jeehan

Parliament representative for Hinnavaru constituency Jeehan Mahmood has stated that it is incorrect for former President Mohamed Nasheed to say that President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's government is shattering the policies of the Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) due to the influence from parties of the ruling coalition.
During an interview with Indian media on Maldivian politics, Jeehan claimed that President Solih has been acting according to his pledges and that Nasheed also highlighted serious issues. She mentioned the government's efforts against religious extremism.
"It is incorrect to say that President Solih is being influenced by coalition partners. He assumed office with the coalition and will work to maintain it. President Solih will not be the one to break the coalition. If he was being influenced by a coalition party or any others, the bill [hate crime bill] would not have been presented to parliament. The bill is currently in the committee stage for further discussion. President Solih is not stepping back from his pledges", said Jeehan.
However, some members of former President Nasheed's faction have disputed Jeehan's claims. According to Maafannu-North MP Imthiyaz Fahmy and Galolhu-South MP Mickail Ahmed Naseem, the government has not taken appropriate measures against extremism.
"President Nasheed believes the party's policies and beliefs are being violated, and that the government's actions will negatively impact MDP", said Imthiyaz Fahmy. MP Mickail also stated that efforts to keep the coalition intact have overshadowed the government's work to ensure justice for previous victims of violent attacks.