Monday 10th Mar 2025
Dhivehi Edition

Dr. Mausoom Praises Pres. Solih Regarding Nasheed's Statements

Tourism Minister Dr.Mausoom.
Minister of Tourism Dr. Abdulla Mausoom has praised President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih regarding recent a recent statement by former President and incumbent Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed.
Dr. Mausoom praised President Solih following a message sent to the WhatsApp group of the Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) National Majilis by Nasheed, stating he is no longer politically aligned with President Solih and that he intends to seek support from former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom.
The Tourism Minister declared that President Solih is focused on fulfilling the pledges of his presidential manifesto, which proves he truly is a democratic leader.
Dr. Mausoom observed that there are only two years and two months left until the next presidential election, and attributed the unrest among politicians to the excitement for the 2023 elections.
"When democracy is ripe, the public will not be applauding a person, but a manifesto", said Dr. Mausoom.
He stated that during the elections, the people will be applauding a manifesto instead of a candidate.
Former President Nasheed on Monday claimed that he was no longer politically aligned with President Solih, and is unable to remain by his side on political matters. He also expressed interest in requesting the support of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and its leader former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom.
Nasheed tweeted on Tuesday that his only intention is to save the Maldives, and he believes MDP needs to adopt a new perspective.
He described that the outlook must not protest against Indian military presence, stand for the hate crime bill, not condemn music, and not harass the Prophet and Islam.

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