Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Abdullah Kamaludeen

Abdulla Kamaaluddin to Form Political Party

Abdulla Kamaaluddin, who served as a minister for several years during the tenure of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, has decided to form a political party.
A statement released today by Abdulla Kamaaluddin read he believes that a new political philosophy is needed to prioritize Islam, maintain the sovereignty of the nation, empower citizens, and strengthen community wellness. He revealed that after much discussion with like-minded individuals, he has proposed the formation of the "National Solidarity Party" to the Elections Commission today.
Until recently, Abdulla Kamaaluddin had been a member of former President Maumoon's party, the Maldives Reform Movement (MRM). Earlier, he was a member of the Jumhooree Party.
It is worth noting that these days, several political figures have begun forming new political parties. Former Minister of Defense Colonel (Rtd) Nazim is also attempting to form his own political party.