Tuesday 22nd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Ghassan Maumoon

Abusers Evade Justice and the Victims Suffer, Meaningful Action is Needed: MP Ghassan

MP Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon (Guraidhoo) has criticised the government on the occasion of International Women's Day.
In a statement that he had released on twitter, MP Ghassan said that the "real and present predicament of women in our society" entailed "catchy slogans, eloquent statements and token gifts in the morning" and "harassment, abuse and fear later in the day".
He said that "abusers and enablers [were] offered impunity and legal protection" and are "able to evade justice [and] enjoy asylum abroad".

He wrote that the victims of such abuse "continued stigma and shame for someone else's crimes. We need meaningful action, not platitudes".

It is noteworthy that MP Ghassan was referring to former Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed's departure from the country under the pretext of seeking medical treatment. Waheed had been standing trial for several charges of sexual harassment and one charge of rape.