Friday 14th Feb 2025
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business

Justice is Only For MDP Loyalists: Dr Jameel

If justice was served, the top tiers of the government would crumble, former vice president Dr Mohamed Jameel has said.
Justice has become something only given to MDP loyalists, said Dr Jameel in a tweet. He had attached a news article detailing how the Prosecutor General’s Office had rejected a case sent to them by the Anti-Corruption Commission, the State’s anti-graft watchdog. The case had involved Mayor Mariyam Shifa, an MDP loyalist with close blood ties to high-ranking MDP officials, including former President Mohamed Nasheed.
Dr Jameel highlighted that though neither a retired police officer, nor a former president, could receive justice from the government anymore; traitors to the nation received safety and security.
Dr Jameel said this indicating how former vice president, Ahmed Adeeb, had been freed from all criminal charges.