Wednesday 15th May 2024
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corruption perception index

In 2023 Maldives Drops in Corruption Perception Index

Maldives fell by one point last year in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI).
Transparency International's annual CPI ranks the perceived level of corruption from 1 to 100. The top 100 countries on the list will include the least corrupt countries. A country which scores zero is the most corrupt country.
According to data released by Transparency International, Maldives previously ranked 85th in the CPI with 40 points in 2022, but in the last year the country fell by one point.
In 2023, Maldives scored 39 points, which resulted in a drop to the 93rd position in the CPI. That is, increased corruption since the previous year.
The CPI, which is based on surveys and expert findings, covers 180 countries to assess public perceptions of corruption in public administration.
Maldives ranked 93rd out of the 180 countries, while Transparency International noted that Maldives has a moderate corruption index.
Some of the measures recommended by Transparency International to reduce corruption include strengthening the independence of the judiciary, introducing integrity monitoring systems, shaping the justice system to be transparent, and strengthening the capacity and resources of state institutions.