Saturday 18th May 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Police Conduct

Special Audit to be Conducted to Examine Police Negligence in Release of Alleged Criminals

The Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau has said that a special audit will be conducted on the negligence of the police in the cases sent to court.
Commissioner Shujau told the online newspaper Sun Online that negligence in police investigations is one of the biggest reasons for the release of people accused of serious crimes.
It is very common for criminals accused of drug related crimes and other serious crimes to be released at trial due to poor police investigation. The Commissioner also said that the main reason for the increase in crime in the society and the lack of public confidence in the police is the negligence of some police.
The Commissioner noted that the failure of the police to follow the legal procedures in arresting, searching, and investigating the accused is one of the biggest reasons for not punishing crimes.
“We are conducting an audit of mistakes made by the police or cases where a police officer has not followed our procedures or laws,” he told Sun Online.
The purpose of auditing police negligence is to prevent it from happening again and action will be taken against those responsible for the negligence, he said.
He said he would pay special attention to ensure that the police investigation is thorough and minimize the possibility of negligence in future criminal investigations.