Saturday 27th Jul 2024
Dhivehi Edition
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USA to appoint an Ambassador to the Maldives

The United States is to appoint an Ambassador to the Maldives.
A briefing by the White House stated that President Joe Biden is to appoint Hugo Yue-Ho Yon as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Maldives.
Yon is a career diplomat, currently serving as Senior Advisor in the Office of the Under Secretary of Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment in the US Department of State.
Yon also worked as Director for International Economics and Finance, and as Director for India and the Subcontinent, two positions at the National Security Council. He had also served as Deputy Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs at the US Embassy in India. He had worked in the US Embassy in China, serving as the Deputy Financial Attaché.
Fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, and Indonesian, he is expected to be vetted to the position in the coming weeks.
Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State under Trump administration, on his visit to the Maldives, announced that an Embassy would be opened in the country.