Saturday 27th Jul 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business

Development Of Maamigili Hospital Never Started Since Its Announcement In 2018

The Maamigili (Alifu Dhaalu Atoll) Council have expressed concern that nothing had been done with regards to the hospital that had been budgeted for and announced three yeras ago.
Maamigili, which currently hosts a floating population of 4,500 residents, cannot provide adequate healthcare to its population with the existing health centre. In 2018, the government announced plans for the development of a 30-bed hospital as a replacement for the health centre.
The first design for the Maamigili hospital were published on 22 September 2020. More drawings were published on 23 March 2021 which included a proposed design for Maamiligi hospital. Last month, the government announced new hospitals for Ihavandhoo (Haa Alifu Atoll) and Ken'dikulhudhoo (Noonu Atoll) and had featured the original Maamigili hospital design in the new announcement.

MP Ahmed Easa (MDP-Kendhikulhudhoo) had featured the announcement and photos on his official Facebook page, as well.
Imad Faarooq, President of the Maamigili Council, told The Maldives Journal that the passage of several years since the announcement of a hospital for the island with the largest population in the atoll was a matter of concern.

Imad said that the Maamigili health centre received more patients than the atoll hospital. He said that the health centre did not have the capacity to handle such an influx. He said that the health centre did not even have radiologists.

He also mentioned that the building from which the health centre was dilapidated.

He said that the government had promised several dates when work on developing the new hospital would begin. When they had expressed their concerns to the Ministry, Imad said that they had only received a new date.

Imad said that the Health Ministry had most recently claimed that work on the hospital would commence in March.

Maamigili is within the vicinity of several resorts and an airport.