Friday 17th May 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Moosa Fathuhee

Fathuhy Wins Foakaidhoo Online Poll

The opposition's candidate, Moosa Fathuhy, has won in an informal poll conducted by the Foakaidhoo Online newspaper. The newspaper had conducted a poll to gauge the public opinion leading up to the upcmoing Komandoo bi-elections.
Foakaidhoo Online published the results of its poll yesterday. Moosa Fathuhy, the PPM's candidate for the Komandoo parliamentary seat, had won the poll with 311 votes. The MDP's candidate, Mohamed "Rado" Rasheed came in second with 105 votes. The candidate put forward by the Maldives National Party (MNP) only received 5 votes.
The newspaper announced that given that the poll had been conducted on short notice, many people had been unaware that a poll was being run. They announced that they would redo the poll on February 1.
The newspaper stated that they would redo the poll on February 1, and the poll would stay open from 8am until 10pm.