Saturday 20th Apr 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Ministry of Tourism

Tourism Ministry Regulations Require Taxes To Be Paid On Guests Staying At Private Residences

The Homestay Tourism regulations compiled by the Ministry of Tourism will require taxes to be paid on the hosting of tourists in private residences.
The responsibility of paying the taxes of homestays would lie on the government-authorized operator of that homestay. The regulations also mandate that nothing that breaks the laws and regulations of the Maldives should take place within the homestay or with regards to its operation.
The regulations also state that the number of rooms of a homestay would be limited to 5 rooms. The rooms that are dedicated for guests, and those dedicated for normal habitation should be clearly indicated on the doors of the rooms. All guests should also be informed of every individual who lives in the property.
The new regulations also require homestay operators to have third-party insurance plans in case of the death or injury or harm incurred by any guest while staying at the property.