Wednesday 12th Feb 2025
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Indian Imperialism

Turkish Media Covers India Out Demonstrations

Turkish media outlet, TRT, have covered the Maldivian movement that calls for the removal of Indian military personnel currently stationed in the Maldives and an immediate stop to Indian interference of the country’s domestic affairs.
The report published in TRT highlighted the reasons behind the “India Out” campaign and mentioned the hundreds who had turned out for the demonstrations.
The report had included an interview with MP Mohamed Saeed (PNC-Maavah), one of the leaders of the political opposition that organised these demonstrations.
Aljazeera had also covered the “India Out” movement earlier this month.
The growing visibility of anti-Indian sentiment in the Maldives has lead to mounting pressure on the Solih administration from India. The Indian government had requested the Solih administration to put an end to the “India Out” movement.
A high-ranking official of the government told The Maldives Journal that concerns had been raised in New Delhi after international media outlets covered the “India Out” demonstrations in the Maldives. The Maldivian government had been requested to put an end to the “India Out” movement by “any means possible”.
Although the opposition have planned several such demonstrations in the future; the government has decided to no longer permit such demonstrations that criticise India.
The government has described the “India Out” campaign as the work of “a few people” and had condemned the movement in a statement released by the Foreign Ministry.