Thursday 6th Feb 2025
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business

New Delhi Orders Solih Govt To Stop India Out Movement

The Indian government has demanded that a stop be put to the “India Out” movement. The “India Out” movement began as a grassroots social media movement that called for the removal of all Indian military personnel from the Maldives and India cease its “inteference” in Maldivian affairs.
A high-ranking official of the government told The Maldives Journal that concerns had been raised in New Delhi after international media outlets covered the “India Out” demonstrations in Malé this past week. The Maldivian government had been requested to put an end to the “India Out” movement by “any means possible”.
Hundreds of demonstrators joined an “India Out” rally that took place in Malé City last Friday. Al Jazeera had also covered the event.
This had been the second-largest demonstration organised by the political opposition. The demonstration took place with prior permission of the Maldives Police Service.
Although the opposition have planned several such demonstrations in the future; the government has decided to no longer permit such demonstrations that criticise India.
The government has described the “India Out” campaign as the work of “a few people” and had condemned the movement in a statement released today.
The “India Out” campaign is a grassroots movement that began on social media but has grown, and continues to grow, significantly since its inception.