Friday 26th Apr 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Member Shaheem AbdulHakeem

The Citizens Love MPs The Most: MP Shaheem

MP Abdullah Shaheem Abdul-Hakeem (Kanditheem) has alleged that among all local politicians: parliamentarians were the most beloved by the citizens.
During the debate on the floor regarding the proposed budget for 2022, MP Shaheem expressed his concern for the delays in implementing the development projects that had been budgeted for his constituency. He proposed that the solution to such problems was to adopt the parliamentary system.
MP Shaheem said that the delays in implementing the budgeted development was because parliamentarians did not have the power they required to bring about necessary change. He said that although powerful and influential MPs got numerous things done for their own constituencies, government ministers would not work enough to ensure that projects necessary to provide basic necessities were carried out in other projects.
"I am sure that we wouldn't behave this way under a parliamentary system. As this honored Majlis is the institution that works the closest with the citizens: endowing this honoured Majlis with those powers can help us achieve a lot", he said.
He pointed out that the budget always included the same things, but none of these things were ever achieved. He also accused ministers of not answering their phone calls.