Friday 19th Apr 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Aiminath Shauna

Work on Implementing Cyber Security Law in the coming two years

Environment and Technology Minister Aminath Shauna stated that in the approaching two years they are working on implementing cyber security laws and will be acting on them.
Speaking on a TV program Minister Shauna said that Cyber Security law is need as difficulty arises when there are cases that need to implement the cyber security law.
Minister stated that they have been working on resolving issues that involve cyber security. She also said that the staff will be trained to be more aware and attend to the issues as well as they will be monitoring the systems closely. She also stated that the government aims to implement and work with the cyber security law in the coming two years.
The government has a high priority for the National Institution of Communication Technology (NICT) and the effect can be seen in the coming years stated the Minister.