Wednesday 15th Jan 2025
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Information Commissioner's Office

Information Commissioner Fiyaz Resigns

Information Commissioner Hussain Fiyaz Moosa has resigned.
According to several sources, Information Commissioner Hussain Fiyaz had sent in his letter of resignation to the acceptance of the President's Office.
During his time as Information Commissioner, Fiyaz had overseen trials and hearings of significance and has signed off on the release of a prominent amount of information. Despite this, the ruling he came to on the issue regarding the release of the information of the Dornier Flights, was that it was not necessary to release this information to the public. It is speculated that he came to this decision due to government pressure. Fiyaz has acted fair in other trials nonetheless.
It is speculated that Fiyaz resigned from his post as Information Commissioner to start and run a newspaper. The newspaper is rumored to start soon and it is said by other journalists that Fiyaz's newspaper might be a possible propaganda machine. Journalists from around the Maldives are joining Fiyaz in his venture to start his newspaper.