Saturday 4th May 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
President Dr.Muizzu

New Elevators in Hiyaa Towers Will Have Capacity to Carry Patient’s Stretchers: President

The new elevators to be installed in the Hiyaa towers in the second phase of Hulhumalé City will be able to carry patient stretchers, President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu said.
The President made the remarks after a person expressed concern over the lack of convenient arrangements for patients to be loaded and unloaded from the existing elevators in the Hiyaa towers.
The President said the new elevators being installed in the Hiyaa towers will also include a stretcher elevator.
"The elevators that are currently being installed will include the stretcher elevator. So when the elevator project in these Hiyaa flats is completed, hopefully the issues you mentioned will be addressed," he said.
The Hiyaa towers were built as mass social housing projects, with four elevators in each tower. None of the elevators have enough space to carry patients on stretchers. The elevators are full during rush hour and many people have to queue for hours to get into a lift to arrive at their floor.

Therefore, it is now a presidential promise to install two new elevators in each tower, in addition to the existing elevators, in the Hiyaa towers.

In keeping with that promise, HDC signed the agreement for the procurement of the necessary equipment in January. The elevators have now been brought to Maldives and will be installed.