Sunday 19th May 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
President Yameen

GOM Prevents Fmr Pres Yameen from Receiving Covid Vaccine

The government of Maldives has prevented former President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom from getting the covid-19 vaccine.
The former president who is serving a 5-year jail sentence was brought to Male' to receive the covid-19 vaccine last night. He was brought to Male' by Maldives Correctional Service, after he completed the necessary documents, requesting to get vaccinated. However, upon learning that he was brought to Male', without informing the President's Office, a senior minister at the office ordered Maldives Correctional Service to keep the former President in a remand center in Male'. Correction officials were then ordered not to take the former president to a vaccination center without approval from the President's Office.
Another cabinet minister also requested the Health Protection Agency (HPA) not to vaccinate the former president without approval from the President's Office.
President Yameen was then asked to wait at the remand jail in Male' until they get approval from the President's Office. The former president waited at Male' jail for over two hours for the said approval and then decided to leave.
Maldives Correctional Service gave misleading statements to the media stating that the former President refused to vaccinate.